I´m back!
At last I´m home after my trip to the forest and can say I had lots of fun, but enough of that and what is going on over here:
Today was Halloween so celebrated it with dressing up as Judge Death and also as historic soldier of different ages of history, watching horror movies from morning to the night, much fun I can say, did I mention I love horror movies?
Managed to finish all small projects I´m working on and also pack down my Judge Death costume, shall tomorrow visit a convention called Gamex in Stockholm tomorrow, gonna be a bit troublesome to carry the bag and the box needed to have everything with me but it works. So all living things: Watch out or I will judge you to death, lawbreakers!
Gonna be much fun to be there in it.
Can reveal that we are building Judge Mortis and almost done with the head and the skeleton bird but pictures and such will be shown later so have your eyes open!
Hmm I dont think I have told about the first time I saw Judge Death so gonna do it now in short, if I shall tell everything it would end up being a book:
It was the year 2003 when I was in school and a lonewolf since I wasnt like other kids with my nerdism and different interests in life than chasing girls, never understood that thing but being myself and do stuff I like, gaming, reading studying, learning new stuff and horror and movies.
At a fair I visited I came up to a stand which sold magazines and since I was a Judge Dredd fan and aliens I looked after such ones. To read such things in Sweden you had to either import or read the magazine called: Magnum(Swedens best ever magazine in my opinion) which had episodes from America and UK like Judge Dredd, lady Axa and many others I liked. Amongst the hundreds of magazines I chose 3 randomly from the box. After I paid for them and started reading I saw Judge Death for the first time and the other dark judges and just said: Wow! The episode was called: Judge Death lives. I loved how he looked like and his evil side and his powers and you cant ever beat him and his opinion about humans and feelings etc, he was the closest thing to what I felt inside and identified me with him and the other dark judges as well but it was Death I could see myself as. I can confess I was bullied and not fitted in with society so he gave me much self belief back and helped me much and managed due to it to get my A grades in all subjects but enough of that, could go on forever.
When I readed the other two magazines they had the other episodes with Dark judge death in chronological order! What is the odds of choosing 3 magazines out of all the others and get them in order without knowing it? If something called fate exist then that was it, after that I was hooked and became a fan of them and been ever since. Here in Sweden they are unknown so have it for myself and in the 2000s they didnt do any new episodes with them so they were pretty much dead but I kept faith in the dark judges, no demon or monster is as impressive as they are! In 2013 I managed to make one of my life goals complete with making a Judge Death statue/costume happen, never seen one done before so was a proud moment and one of my dearest items I own. I think the circle came around then: 2003 to 2013 with having the suit and myself known as JD. As some of you have seen my user name is judge death on the web, as a tribute to this anti hero/villain.
Now I will make the other Dark judges come to life for my own collection and private purposes and maybe show them to people who is interested in them.
Today on the web my name is well known as Judge Death, just google it and you most likely see several results with my name and Judge death, example: Peter olsson judge death, you will see my costume and news etc. Making a fan movie with it later is another dream coming true, seems I still am walking with fate, somehow I have much to thank Judge Death for.
Here is a picture of the three magazines which started it all:
My life would had been very different if I hadnt gotten them, the closest to a bible I could get, haha. Still have them in safety.
That is all for today!