Long time no see sinnerssss!
Hello all people out there, havent updated this place for a while so I do it now.
The reason is that I have been busy with jobs, 3 projects and planning and free time stuff, that´s a reason why I havent done much art lately but I will fix that soon.
Can say that Mortis is nearing its completion, several parts of him is almost done and wont be long now and then I can show you the results. Sadly I cant at the moment nor have the time.
I can say that the movie project is going forward and shooting will be in 2014 if all goes to plan, and it might end up being a movie in four parts about the Dark judges, at the moment I cant say more about it but it is a fan-movie with a budget which will be done and shoot in Finland! The movie studio is as you could guess: Crime alley! They are doing a Batman movie at the moment, go here and support them:
I have now managed to get the Necropolis comics to my home and they are unread condition! They are hard to find so very proud to have them:
Was on Christmas mood so made this, enjoy you all sinners out there!
One more week of work and after that I get some well earned free days so I can make art and work on the Dark judges more and some other projects I have in the pipe, at the moment the day havent enough hours according to me.
Another thing I find strange: How so many people dress up in fancy clothes when they shall be social and be classy and all when they really wont do much or talk much but just be there and then go home again, why put so much effort to how you look like? To me most humans looks beatuiful enough as they are without make up, special clothes and what not. And no you arent ugly if you dont wear make up as I have heard some say, people are way too fixed on looks, be who you are and dont pretend to be someone else is all i have to say.
Another thing: How come people think costumes are classy and fancy and handsome? To me a black costume with a white shirt under is the ugliest clothes you can wear and so old school, heck people ahve worn those for over 100 years.
To me something fancy would be for men:
Or something like Judge Death wear, black leather/spandex clothes is the way to go, or a army uniform that is classy.
Or black clothes in a dark style also leggings is never wrong.
No its not traditional or normal style and who said I was normal?
I would come dressed somewhat like this if it is something special to me:
Got awarded a diploma in big style yesterday from my work for my hard work and was awarded the best worker for 2013. Was a surprise since I was sure someone surtenly would get it but at the ceremony they shouted out my name, damn, happy I´m! :D Thanks so much!
Oh and for those who want to be first to see my works and projects and Mortis, follow me at:
All for now, I´m off for the bed!