torsdag 12 december 2013

Long time no see sinnerssss!

Hello all people out there, havent updated this place for a while so I do it now.
The reason is that I have been busy with jobs, 3 projects and planning and free time stuff, that´s a reason why I havent done much art lately but I will fix that soon.

Can say that Mortis is nearing its completion, several parts of him is almost done and wont be long now and then I can show you the results. Sadly I cant at the moment nor have the time.

I can say that the movie project is going forward and shooting will be in 2014 if all goes to plan, and it might end up being a movie in four parts about the Dark judges, at the moment I cant say more about it but it is a fan-movie with a budget which will be done and shoot in Finland! The movie studio is as you could guess: Crime alley! They are doing a Batman movie at the moment, go here and support them:

I have now managed to get the Necropolis comics to my home and they are unread condition! They are hard to find so very proud to have them:

Was on Christmas mood so made this, enjoy you all sinners out there!

One more week of work and after that I get some well earned free days so I can make art and work on the Dark judges more and some other projects I have in the pipe, at the moment the day havent enough hours according to me.

Another thing I find strange: How so many people dress up in fancy clothes when they shall be social and be classy and all when they really wont do much or talk much but just be there and then go home again, why put so much effort to how you look like? To me most humans looks beatuiful enough as they are without make up, special clothes and what not.  And no you arent ugly if you dont wear make up as I have heard some say, people are way too fixed on looks, be who you are and dont pretend to be someone else is all i have to say.
Another thing: How come people think costumes are classy and fancy and handsome? To me a black costume with a white shirt under is the ugliest clothes you can wear and so old school, heck people ahve worn those for over 100 years.
To me something fancy would be for men:
Or something like Judge Death wear, black leather/spandex clothes is the way to go, or a army uniform that is classy.


Or black clothes in a dark style also leggings is never wrong.
No its not traditional or normal style and who said I was normal?

I would come dressed somewhat like this if it is something special to me:

Now that is cool! :D

Got awarded a diploma in big style yesterday from my work for my hard work and was awarded the best worker for 2013. Was a surprise since I was sure someone surtenly would get it but at the ceremony they shouted out my name, damn, happy I´m! :D Thanks so much!

Oh and for those who want to be first to see my works and projects and Mortis, follow me at:

All for now, I´m off for the bed!

torsdag 31 oktober 2013

I´m back!

At last I´m home after my trip to the forest and can say I had lots of fun, but enough of that and what is going on over here:

Today was Halloween so celebrated it with dressing up as Judge Death and also as historic soldier of different ages of history, watching horror movies from morning to the night, much fun I can say, did I mention I love horror movies?

Managed to finish all small projects I´m working on and also pack down my Judge Death costume, shall tomorrow visit a convention called Gamex in Stockholm tomorrow, gonna be a bit troublesome to carry the bag and the box needed to have everything with me but it works. So all living things: Watch out or I will judge you to death, lawbreakers!
Gonna be much fun to be there in it.

Can reveal that we are building Judge Mortis and almost done with the head and the skeleton bird but pictures and such will be shown later so have your eyes open!

Hmm I dont think I have told about the first time I saw Judge Death so gonna do it now in short, if I shall tell everything it would end up being a book:
It was the year 2003 when I was in school and a lonewolf since I wasnt like other kids with my nerdism and different interests in life than chasing girls, never understood that thing but being myself and do stuff I like, gaming, reading studying, learning new stuff and horror and movies.
At a fair I visited I came up to a stand which sold magazines and since I was a Judge Dredd fan and aliens I looked after such ones. To read such things in Sweden you had to either import or read the magazine called: Magnum(Swedens best ever magazine in my opinion) which had episodes from America and UK like Judge Dredd, lady Axa and many others I liked. Amongst the hundreds of magazines I chose 3 randomly from the box. After I paid for them and started reading I saw Judge Death for the first time and the other dark judges and just said: Wow! The episode was called: Judge Death lives. I loved how he looked like and his evil side and his powers and you cant ever beat him and his opinion about humans and feelings etc, he was the closest thing to what I felt inside and identified me with him and the other dark judges as well but it was Death I could see myself as. I can confess I was bullied and not fitted in with society so he gave me much self belief back and helped me much and managed due to it to get my A grades in all subjects but enough of that, could go on forever.
When I readed the other two magazines they had the other episodes with Dark judge death in chronological order! What is the odds of choosing 3 magazines out of all the others and get them in order without knowing it? If something called fate exist then that was it, after that I was hooked and became a fan of them and been ever since. Here in Sweden they are unknown so have it for myself and in the 2000s they didnt do any new episodes with them so they were pretty much dead but I kept faith in the dark judges, no demon or monster is as impressive as they are! In 2013 I managed to make one of my life goals complete with making a Judge Death statue/costume happen, never seen one done before so was a proud moment and one of my dearest items I own. I think the circle came around then: 2003 to 2013 with having the suit and myself known as JD. As some of you have seen my user name is judge death on the web, as a tribute to this anti hero/villain.
Now I will make the other Dark judges come to life for my own collection and private purposes and maybe show them to people who is interested in them.
Today on the web my name is well known as Judge Death, just google it and you most likely see several results with my name and Judge death, example: Peter olsson judge death, you will see my costume and news etc. Making a fan movie with it later is another dream coming true, seems I still am walking with fate, somehow I have much to thank Judge Death for.

Here is a picture of the three magazines which started it all:

My life would had been very different if I hadnt gotten them, the closest to a bible I could get, haha. Still have them in safety.

That is all for today!

tisdag 22 oktober 2013

Vacation time and gonna be gone for a few days!

Hello everyone, writing this at the same time as doing other works and projects and preparing for tomorrow so quite stressed.

Just wanna tell that I will leave tomorrow and be gone for a few days so wont be online or anything, so will be away from the civilian world now, doing something I like.
Next week my small vacation starts so finally gonna have time to catch up on everything and watch movies and do my own projects and be busy with things I love to do in life, gonna be so much fun!

Finished with some ideas for Mortis, gonna be so exciting to see it done, have other big news as well but I save that for the future!

The film studio called: Crime Alley is nominated to an award at Nöjesgalan 2013! So go to the link below and put your vote on them and check out their movie projects and the Batman project, it is amazing:

Their website:

Was thinking about posting a picture of myself on one of my trips but nahh I skip it, I don't like to show my ugly face on the web so sorry for that, dont expect me to do it in the future either.

If you like movie talk and suggestion of good B-movies check out:

That should be it for today, have tons of stuff to pack and prepare so haven't time to write more, so see you around in the coming days! Take care everyone and enjoy life.

måndag 21 oktober 2013

Judge Mortis news!

Great news, the work on Judge Mortis costume will start next week!
So prepare to see this demon around! Pictures and more news is to follow!

The magazine called: Starbust is going to follow the work on it, great fun to see magazines taking note of it, Judge Death was loved in the past so we´ll see how Mortis will do but seems promising!

My Judge Death costume also got nominated to the 6 best cosplay costume:

Else tomorrow is last work day before I get a small vacation, finally!
Thanks to Dean and Constantine!

Else not much to say, thanks to all friends around who have supported and been talking with me, I might not be the easiest person to know.

So yeah big stuff going on, dreams comíng true!

Farewell sinnersssss!

lördag 19 oktober 2013

First free day over or was it working day?

Sorry for the long time since I wrote here previously, must confess I´m not the blog type, never found it exciting to write monologue texts for myself, prefer to have some people to write to, discuss and develop ideas/opinions, but I give this a new chance, mainly due to it gives me opportunity to write in other languages than Swedish. As well as giving a small view on my life but that would bore you to death.

So lets go through today what I have done:
Managed to wake up early somehow, had fallen asleep from last night when I had hoped to finish all articles and other works I have to do on my free time, so that means today I would have even more to do than I had hoped for, sigh.
Around 0900 I went out for a long walk in the nice autumn weather, sunny and cold, quite nice with all coloured leafs, walked for a hour probably before I went to a shoe shop and bought some waterprof dressing/polishing for my army boots, perfect preparation for the upcoming exercises. Bought candy and soft drinks, yes that is the perfect thing to have out in the forest, believe me, with that I think I have everything done for the future exercises, gonna be much fun.

Walked back home and realise how many are wearing winter clothes already?! There is no snow out nor frost, maybe a bit cool out but not enough to wear winter jackets and gloves and what not, or is it as my friend said: I´m super human and just walk in a T-shirt and not freeze at all, rather after a while even that gets a bit too warm for my taste, I guess I have been too much out in my army training.

Noticed when I was home that my legs and lungs hurt a bit from yesterdays training but not much, so no running today but some indoor training might happen. Polished up the boots so thats done, black and shining as they should be!

After I spent most of the day in front of the computer working on articles to write for my magazine and others and find people to interview, all that is now done at long last, can confess I spent too much time watching youtube videos like history and research and space stuff, love that! Was mentioned in a magazine of a message I sent them which they liked, fun to see.
Else I spent the day working on updating some websites, game reviews, planning out ideas for my job and improvements for everyone there and make myself better at it. Planning for gamex convention in Stockholm on 1 of November and for Halloween, gonna be dressed as Judge Death, my well known costume the internet seems to love a lot, and planning for cosplaying in Finland as well.
Looked through a movie script and love it so far, gonna send in ideas to the director, cant wait to see the movie being created later!
Planning for new reenacting shows in UK next summer/autumn and some travelling plans, visit UK, Finland maybe USA amongst others, gonna travel and do all stuff I want myself, gonna be exciting!
Planning on Judge Mortis costume is going great and cant wait to get started om him, not far now, will be amazing for sure and Dean is very motivated with it as well, seems promising!

Then we have cleaning and dishes but that is standard life, going to start up and plan new projects in the close future, gonna tell about that later, always work here, what is free time?

Realised I hadnt eaten for over 28 hours, yes that happens in my busy life, perfect on the other hand since I need to be slim to look like Judge Death, made myself a big dinner(Lots of bacon!) and dessert after, starting to get the hang of doing big and good meals but still far from being a pro.

Something which bugs me is due to a crush I have is: Shall I tell it to her and how and is that a good idea when I have no clue what she thinks, or play it cool and have contact and see how it goes from there or as some say: Dont do anything and let fate happen, I dont know, I´m lonewolf type and crushes is something I get rid of fast but not for this person somehow, no idea what to do and what happens after?

So all in all, living a busy life and enjoying it and loves what i do, what is more to ask for?
Have a great day everyone and many thanks to my amazing friends who have been there for me and can accept the one who I´m, now I´m off for reading comic books, books and gaming and movies!

lördag 6 april 2013

Welcome to my ever first blogg, started it due to the Judge Death project has gone way further than I ever could think was possible, due to it gotten a lot of questions and people asking to read more about this especially from, several people would love to read it so here I´m.

It´s me who created the idea of making a Judge Death suit in this quality and is a very old idea, that itself was a great dream for me to make into reality but I will tell later about how my dream started and why I like the Dark Judges so much and how come I´m called JD on the web.

Aswell how the suit was created and built which I can say now is mainly built by: Headhunterstore.

I can confirm we have started work on Judge Mortis in this quality, will tell more about that and what is going on when I can tell it and when I have the time etc.

For those who dont know who Mortis is:

My plan is to update this blogg at least once a week but we´ll see, depends on time and if I have something to tell about this, is right now planning and discussing ideas and preparing for the plan with Mortis to start.

If you have questions or suggestion of what you want to hear about, let me know!

Some links to show what attention the suit has gotten:

A bonus, a member from made this one which I love:
Thanks to Timmy Sjöberg!

I think next entry will be about when I discovered Judge Death and how my obsession started, we´ll see when that is uploaded.

Stayyyyy tuneeeeed sinnerssssss!
